Tuesday, March 25, 2003

War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I
believe, as something that is not what it seems to the
majority of people. Only a small inside group knows
what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of
the very few at the expense of the masses.

I believe in adequate defense at the coastline and
nothing else. If a nation comes over here to fight,
then we'll fight. The trouble with America is that
when the dollar only earns 6 percent over here, then
it gets restless and goes overseas to get 100 percent.
Then the flag follows the dollar and the soldiers
follow the flag.

I wouldn't go to war again as I have done to protect
some lousy investment of the bankers. There are only
two things we should fight for. One is the defense of
our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for
any other reason is simply a racket.

There isn't a trick in the racketeering bag that the
military gang is blind to. It has its "finger men" to
point out enemies, its "muscle men" to destroy
enemies, its "brain men" to plan war preparations, and
a "Big Boss" Super-Nationalistic-Capitalism.

It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt such a
comparison. Truthfulness compels me to. I spent
thirty- three years and four months in active military
service as a member of this country's most agile
military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all
commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to
Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of
my time being a high class muscle- man for Big
Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In
short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.

I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time.
Now I am sure of it. Like all the members of the
military profession, I never had a thought of my own
until I left the service. My mental faculties remained
in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of
higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the
military service.

I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for
American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti
and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank
boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of
half a dozen Central American republics for the
benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is
long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international
banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912 (where
have I heard that name before?). I brought light to
the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in
1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil
went its way unmolested.

During those years, I had, as the boys in the back
room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I
feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints.
The best he could do was to operate his racket in
three districts. I operated on three continents.

-Excerpt from a speech on Interventionism delivered in
1933, by Major General Smedley Butler, USMC.

War Could Be Big Business for Halliburton
When it comes to making money from a war in Iraq, few
can match the firepower of the company once headed by
Vice President Dick Cheney.

War Could Be Big Business for Halliburton
Sun March 23, 2003 12:04 PM ET
By Carolyn Koo
NEW YORK (Reuters) - When it comes to making money
from a war in Iraq, few can match the firepower of the
company once headed by Vice President Dick Cheney.

Houston-based Halliburton Co. HAL.N can build roads
and bridges and camps for American forces. It can
transport personnel and provide other logistics. It
can fight any fires Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein might
set. And after the war, assuming a U.S. victory, it
can help restore Iraq's infrastructure and oil

While questions remain over how much the work will
boost the company's stock price, Halliburton's KBR
engineering and construction division "is basically
the 'corps of engineers' to the U.S. military," said
Jim Wicklund, an analyst at Banc of America
Securities. "It is expected that the occupying army's
infrastructure could in large part be supplied by

At the same time, the company's oilfield services
business, which is second only to Schlumberger Ltd.
SLB.N , is likely to supply most of the heavy
equipment to fight fires that Iraqi forces could set
to oil wells and oil fields, as they did in Kuwait
during the 1991 Persian Gulf War.

And should the U.S. emerge victorious, Halliburton --
which develops oil fields and drills for oil all over
the world -- has the connections and businesses to
play a major role in rebuilding Iraq and ramping the
nation's oil production capacity back up to pre-1991
Persian Gulf War levels.

"They have the businesses. They have the government
relationship already well-established, and, as we all
know, Cheney was the CEO, so it makes logical sense,"
said Denis Walsh, an equity analyst who covers the
energy sector for State Street Research and


A Halliburton spokeswoman declined to speculate on
"what may or may not happen with regards to Iraq."

She referred all queries to the U.S. Department of
Defense (DOD) and the U.S. Agency for International
Development, which both said that contracts for
fighting fires and rebuilding Iraq's infrastructure
have yet to be awarded. Neither agency would disclose
whether Halliburton had submitted any bids.

Other companies that could bid for firefighting
contracts include Boots & Coots International Well
Control Inc. WEL.A , Canada's Safety Boss Inc., RPC
Inc.'s RES.N Cudd Pressure Control and Superior Energy
Services Inc.'s SPN.N Wild Well Control Inc.

Reports earlier this month said that Halliburton won a
contract to oversee firefighting in Iraq's oilfields
but that has not been confirmed by either the company
or the DOD.

"It is our information that a contract framework has
already been signed," said Wicklund, who rates
Halliburton a "buy" and does not own any of its

This wouldn't be the first time Halliburton has played
an important role in a U.S. war. Years before Cheney's
stint at the helm, a predecessor company built the
Corpus Christi Naval Air Station and several warships
during World War II. It also helped build the Phan
Rang Air Base in Vietnam in 1965.

More recently, after the Persian Gulf War, Halliburton
helped put out oil well fires and repaired damaged
buildings in Kuwait. It also provided food, laundry,
transportation and other services to U.S. peacekeeping
forces in Bosnia, Croatia and Hungary during the
Balkans conflict in the 1990s.

Estimates of how much Halliburton and other companies
could reap from the infrastructure and restoration
work vary, but analyst Michael Urban of Deutsche Bank
said it could be as much as a total of $3 billion.


How much Halliburton would get is difficult to gauge,
though any contracts it wins would certainly generate
revenue, cash flow and earnings.

The potential contracts come at a time when
Halliburton is contending with its liability for
asbestos-related personal injury lawsuits, though the
company made progress last December with a $4 billion
settlement deal.

"The stock price would reflect that they have had
investor concern over the ultimate (asbestos)
liability," said Pierre Conner, an analyst with
Hibernia Southcoast Capital who rates Halliburton a
"buy" and does not own any of its shares.

The contracts also may not do much for the company's
stock price, since the firefighting business is not a
recurring one and the profit margins of the
construction business are not typically high.

"While both would be positives to Halliburton, they
aren't in our opinion overriding reasons to buy the
stock," Wicklund said.

"I would think if you got any jump in the stock, it
would be short-lived and somewhat muted by history.
It's like winning a $3 lottery ticket. It beats not
winning, but you can't quit your day job."

Halliburton shares were up 54 cents or about 2.6
percent to $20.36 in afternoon trading on the New York
Stock Exchange on Wednesday. The stock is up 11.7
percent this year through Tuesday's close,
outperforming Schlumberger, which is down 6.2 percent,
as well as the Philadelphia Stock Exchange Oil Service
Index .OSX , which is down less than 1 percent, both
in same period.

Saturday, March 22, 2003

Somehow, it is awfully hard for me to swallow the ideas
in the previous post -- all that visualization is out of my realm...

Jeff sent this in connection with Life's Magic radio discussions
based on The Four Agreements - the first agreement being
"Be Impeccable With Your Word."

I was thinking about The Word in the larger sense, which we
echo in our daily speech and relationships as the smaller word,
what we talk about reflects our thinking, and puts thought into
action, moving out into the world.

Here is some wild reading on the Power of the Word, from
Changing Planet (John Novak, Editor) It does make you think!

from John:
I have been amazed at this Dark Wizard's war even before reading the
article I sent earlier by William Henry found at

Here are some of the points I've been looking at:

The Shock & Awe deal. Shekin'ah. The "Divine Presence of God". Also seen as
the Feminine aspect of God. Think about all the "sheople" out there
unconsciously invoking the "Divine Presence" for them every time that phrase
is spoken with the high emotions attached. While I see it as an abuse of
power and ultimately one that will backfire in their face, it's an
incredible and brilliant attempt from a metaphysical perspective and shows
us the degree these Dark Wizards are willing to go to. This is big time
magick, folks. Do not take it lightly.

They're doing this on the Jewish celebration of Purim, which commemorates
the ancient Hebrew victory over the Persians (Arabs), which just happened to
have had a 24 pause after the first strike before a complete slaughter.

Shakin'ah (or Shekineh in some circles) is metaphysically associated with
Mother Goddess energy:

Shekinah is the Supreme Spirit
devoted to the good of all people . . .
She shines bright in the bloom of ignorance;
She is unfading;
She is easily seen by those who love Her;
easily found by those who look for Her,
And quickly does She come to those who seek Her help.
One who rises early, intent on finding Her, will not grow weary of the
quest --
For one day he will find Her seated in his own heart.
To set all one's thoughts on Her is true wisdom,
And to be ever aware of Her is the sure way to perfect peace.
For Shekinah Herself goes about in search of those who are worthy of Her.
With every step She comes to guide them;
in every thought She comes to meet them . . .
The true beginning of spiritual life is the desire to know Shekinah.
A desire to know Her brings one to love Her.
Loving Her enables one to follow her will.
Following Her will is the sure path of immortality.
And immortalityis oneness with God.
So the desire to know Shekinah leads to God
and His Kingdom - - a never-fading Kingdom.
With all your thrones and scepters you may rule the world for a while,
But take hold of Shekinah and you will rule the world forever.

The Wisdom of Solomon (50 BCE)
Written by an unknown Jewish sage living in Alexandria.
By custom, however, it is ascribed to King Solomon (10th century BCE).

They're doing this on a full moon, which is associated with the Goddess
Ceres/Demeter, or the gal who "governs the fruits of the earth", or
agriculture. In metaphyics, full moons are a peak in feminine energy cycles
or the time when the goals and intentions we set on the new moon come into
bloom. Therefore, the channelling of energy through group invocation at
this time is extremely effective. Artemis was also known as the moon
goddess. She had silver arrows (missiles anyone?) that brought plague and
death. If that wasn't enough, they're doing this as we enter the Sign of
Aries (Ares/Mars/Marduk, God of War, nephew of Demeter) when the planet Mars
is the closest to Earth than it's been in something like 75,000 years!

By the way, there is/was a secret society/cult based on Demeter/Ceres where
rituals called the "Eleusinian Mysteries" were performed on initiates for
Illumination, or spiritual enlightenment. I do not make judgments on these
rituals as being good or evil. However, I can say that at the Secret
Society at Yale called "Skull and Bones", there are rituals performed to a
"feminine god" that Father & Son Bush were required to go through for their
initiation into this group of "enlightened" ones.

If recent events were to be told in a tale by using our ancient gods and
religions as metaphors, even the Space Shuttle disaster plays a role. In
the "pagan" world during ancient times, specifically Babylon (Iraq), we're
told that there was ritual human sacrifice of females to the God Of War in
hopes he wouldn't destroy the neigborhood. Obviously, the sacrifice didn't
work this time for the Babylonian Dark Wizards.

They are using bombs with a feminine slant: MOAB (MOTHER of all bombs).
Although, "Moab" it seems means "father" and has an even more significant
place in all this than I originally thought. It just so happens that one of
the verses in the Old Testament of the bible that this name "Moab" is
associated with just so happens to be an important verse for Judeo/Christian
"mythology" surrounding the coming Messiah or Christ. Numbers 24:17 states,
"There shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of
Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of
Seth." If you haven't guessed by now, Moab and the children of Seth are
todays Arab world and Muslims.

Dark Wizards you ask? Yes. Dark Wizards. Wizards that invoke this kind of
energy for destruction on such a massive scale through trickery is bad
medicine, no matter what side of the fence you sit on.

Don't get me wrong...the high command in Iraq are Dark Wizards as well and
use the same high arts to try to accomplish their goals. The difference is,
the ones in stars and stripes have learned to hide it from their own people
more effectively without leaving physical scars.

Bad Medicine vs. Bad Medicine. Who wins in that scenario? Either way, the
energy is here now and it will be played out. If we leave it to the Dark
Wizards alone, it's destructive path will roll us on into more violent
confrontations until we reach their scripted Armaggedon scenario and
seriously fuck up the atmosphere for everyone having a carbon base. And I
don't know about you, but I came to Earth to breath oxygen and see the sun,
sky, trees, plants, animals, rivers, oceans, rain forests, deserts and
experience every other miracle of living diversity that exists here.

We must direct this Shekin'ah energy to liberate the minds of every man,
woman and child on this planet from the need to kill ourselves and the Earth
over greed, religious intolerance and the desire to tell others what to do
and think AND to the healing of the Earth.

After that, I plan on a very long fishing trip, thank you very much. And
because I'm sure to be sick and tired of all this killing, I'll probably end
up arguing with myself about catching and releasing them.

What about you?

Nah...it's all just a random series of big coincidences, right?

Next time you hear "God Bless America", you can rightly ask, "which god?"

-John Novak
Changing Planet editor

Here's the link
to William Henry's site, from which I copied
this article: SHOCK `n AWE (SHAK-IN-AH):

A battle between the ancient forces of light (TARA) and darkness (TERROR)
rages on our planet. Emerging with it is the ancient idea of Shock `n Awe,
called Shakina, Glory, by the Jewish Mystics. Shock `n Awe was known as the
Divine Presence of God, a force of immense power that emanated from the Ark
of the Covenant. Has it returned?

By William Henry

also at http://www.unknowncountry.com/mindframe/opinion/

On March 19, 2003 the U.S. military began the war to oust Saddam Hussein
with "decapitation" strikes by precision missiles and bombs on targets in
Baghdad believed to hold the Iraqi dictator, his sons or other top leaders.
The first missiles came from aircraft carriers blaring the Queen song "We
Will Rock You."

A few hours later, another Saddam crawled out of the bunker and appeared on
state-run Iraqi television. One official said the case against the
broadcast's authenticity included that Hussein has several body doubles.
This one had grey, jowley skin, and wore glasses uncharacteristic of the
ones he normally wears. Technical analysts, who used digital enhancement
techniques and triangulation measurements of facial proportions, assessed
that the broadcast depicted the real Hussein (if there is such a thing).
This master of many palaces was also a master of many heads, similar to
Hydra, the nine-headed serpent slain by Hercules. When any one of its heads
was cut off; it was replaced by two others.

White House officials hoped that killing Saddam as the war began could
shorten the conflict by convincing his military to surrender Baghdad to the
allies, an official said. There was no immediate word on whether the strike
killed top Iraqi leaders.

Saddam Hussein is certainly dead. Even if he hasn't inherited the wind. And
with him passes a sigh of relief. How close to Hitler was he to inflicting a
holocaust on America? How much of his `I'm the Muslim Messiah' business did
he buy?

It has been over fifty years since Adolf Hitler committed suicide in his
Berlin bunker, yet our fascination with his life and sinister campaign of
evil grows. Fifty years hence Saddam will still be a subject of mystery. The
reason is because crucial parts of the story have been excised, sanitized
and even occulted.

The occult was a major factor behind the rise of Adolf Hitler. It was
excised from history because Churchill sought to prevent imitators and
because recognition of it carries with it a terror that is beyond proportion
for most. Hitler thought he was the `Aryan Christ'. He believed in the
emergence of the New Atlantis. He sought to build a Master Race.

Like his death, the major factor behind the rise of Saddam Hussein is
hidden. Exiled from Iraq in Luxor, Egypt, the young Saddam walked the mighty
temples. He heard a voice that tempted him to power, real power.

Saddam thought he was Nebuchadnezzar, the biblical King of Babylon who
rebuilt Babylon, the ancient home of the Bab-Ili or `Gate of the Illi", the
Illumined ones. Known as the Gate to God in the Bible, this huge tower,
called in Sumerian Etemenenanki (`House of the Foundation of Heaven and
Earth') stood upon the central temple-complex called Esagila or `House that
Lifts Up the Head' (of God).

Saddam did not take the ancient stories of Nebuchadnezzar and the Head of
God as mere mythology. Just as Joshua became Jesus in the Jewish tradition,
and their feats were considered mutual, Saddam affixed his tyrannical
actions to Nebuchadnezzar's.

To honor his previous incarnation, Saddam rebuilt Babylon. In 2002 he sought
the return of the Ish-tara Gate from Berlin to Iraq, along with copies of
thousands of ancient Sumerian tablets from the British Museum. He aimed to
turn Babylon into a "Disneyland for the ancient gods" in the style of
Nebuchadnezzar and his forerunner, Nimrod, who built the Tower of Babel.
Like Saddam, Nimrod was a terrorist. He threatened and murdered innocents.

Nimrod is the Egyptian Osiris, who was decapitated by his half brother, Set.
A serpent hanging from a pillar symbolized this god's head or `skull'.
Osiris is the Egyptian equivalent of the serpent of Eden.

Herein lies a key to the untold story of Saddam.

Sir E.A. Wallis Budge, the British Museum's curator of Egyptian antiquities
at the turn of the twentieth century, was one of the first scholars to
notice the relationship between Egyptian and Su-Merian mythology and to
refer to its influence on Jewish and Gnostic Christian symbolism.

In 576 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar looted and leveled the Temple of Solomon and
transported the Jews to Babylon.

The Old Testament and Jewish mystic system known as Kabbalism (`to receive')
flourished during his reign when he merged the Jewish and Babylonian
cultures. In addition, Nebuchadnezzar opened the `fiery furnace' out of
which the Son of God emerged.

In the old times it was the Israelite god, Yahweh, who ordered the death of
Nebuchadnezzar. This was in retaliation for his deliverance of the secrets
of the enigmatic `fiery furnace', which behaves like a modern stargate or
wormhole. Saddam may have been on the verge of reopening the Gate to God.

In January 2001, Yahweh made headlines when George W. Bush, a born again
Christian who believes Yahweh's son died on a cross for him 2,000 years ago,
ascended to power and asked a question. "Does the angel in the whirlwind
still direct this storm?"

Analysts puzzled over what the new present-id meant.

The whirlwind is the vehicle in which Yahweh rides. The angel is Enoch,
later called Metatron, the Prince of Earth. Metatron's job is to keep order
in the world and to protect the throne of Glory (Shakina). The inference is
that Yahweh or Metatron direct the affairs of Old Glory, America.

One morning in February 2003, George W. Bush came to land of the three stars
Nashville, Tennessee - the home of a copy of Iraq's Tower of Babel - to tell
religious broadcasters that "the terrorists hate the fact that .we can
worship Al-Mighty God the way we see fit," and that the United States was
called to bring God's gift of liberty to "every human being in the world."

Bush believes in God's will. Foes say he found the right combination of
religion and politics while living in Texas. He put on a halo and rode a
wave of evangelical support to the core of the Republican Party. This right
wing front organization for Jesus Christ took him all the way to the West
Wing of the White House.

Bush's platform is simple, say friends and foe alike. Give everyone,
everywhere, the freedom to find Jesus Christ.

His references to "good" and "evil," installed in his vocabulary after 9-11,
exploded into a "countdown to Armageddon" and the return of Jesus in born
again minds. They read "good", Jesus W. Bush, v. "evil", Satan Hussein.

When George W. Bush decided he'd had enough of the serpent Saddam he sent
forces to `decapitate' him (a military technique that has been around
`forever'), or expel him from the Garden. (In contrast to the approach of
Moses and Jesus who sought to lift the serpent and transform it into a
healing force.) In Sumerian myth, George the serpent or dragon slayer is
known as Bel or Marduk, `the bright one', the god of Mars (war/terror or

Slaying Satan Hussein is the fulfillment of Ronald Reagan's apocalyptic
plans. Some say it is the preamble to his repeated philosophizing about
extraterrestrials, and the uniting of the human race in a final battle
against an extraterrestrial foe.

This is the source of the `Thing' in the Near East. The extraterrestrials of
times past inhabited present-day Iraq. The biblical Garden of Eden was their
home, too.

To many Muslims, especially Arabs, Bush is the Christian Crusader come to
steal the Cradle of Civilization for Jesus.

Bush put it plainly otherwise. "We come to Iraq with respect for its
citizens, for their great civilization and for the religious faiths they
practice. We have no ambition in Iraq, except to remove a threat and restore
control of that country to its own people."

Today, President Bush prepares to unleash "Shock and Awe" against the Axis
of Evil on behalf of the Al-Mighty.

Curiously, Al-Mighty is the name originally given to the Israelite god El
Shaddai, the Lord of the Mountain, the god of the Burning Bush, from whom
"the Egyptian," Moses, received the instructions to build the Ark of the
Covenant and from whom he received Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. Jewish
Kabbalists tell us Shaddai is Enoch/Metatron. The angel in the whirlwind?

In the earlier Iraqi tradition he was Ilu Kur-gal, meaning "Great Mountain
Lord." The Sumerians called him El, the "Shining One."

In Jewish mysticism El or Ill is hidden (occult). Normally, Yahweh rode in a
`pillar of fire by day, and a pillar of fire by night'. In order that God
might be visible to angels and those humans who have nurtured their
consciousness, he allowed his Glory to take shape in the form of a divine
fire or light known only to the prophets and mystics.

Most Christians and Jews are unaware that this Divine Fire is a feminine
component of the deity in biblical times. This feminine Glory of God is
called "shakina" (Shock-in-ah).

Shakina is the Indian Shakti, translated as "Cosmic Energy." The term is
used in the Talmud and Midrash in place of Word (Memra, Life Force Energy,

The image of the Shekinah reaches back to the goddesses of Sumeria and later
to As-Tara in Canaan.

She was first exiled from humanity as a result of the expulsion of Adam and
Eve from the Garden of Eden, which some scholars locate in various places in
Iraq. She has shared the exile from the Garden (Iraq) with all of humanity.
She is addressed as the `Mystical Eden', the `holy apple garden'.

Shak-in-ah appeared in Jerusalem after the building of Solomon's Temple and
the placement of the Ark of the Covenant within the temple's Holy of Holies.
Solomon worshipped her over Yahweh. She is the goddess consort of the king
seen as a visible cloud overshadowing or hovering over the Ark of the
Covenant (Exodus 40:34-38).

Shekina disappeared at the time of the destruction of the Temple of Solomon
at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar - when the Ark was secreted either to Babylon
or to Tara Hill in Ireland -- and she did not return with them to Israel
after the exile.

In her exile she is called `the Widow' and the `Stone of Exile', the
`Precious Stone'.

Shakina will not return until the time of the Messiah.

Shekinah is `scattered' into the scintillae, the `soul sparks' that are the
souls of certain human beings. Until this gathering of souls takes place
there can be no return to the Garden.

Jewish prayer is focused on accelerating the return of Shak-in-ah, and the
return of humanity to the Garden.

The "spirit of Glory" is the dwelling in whom beings of light, the Illi,
lived. In Ireland this place is called Tara.

Could it be that the "Shock and Awe" attack Bush - and that old lady, Old
Glory, America - is preparing to let loose on Iraq is the awaited return of
Shakin aw or Shakina?

Is the gathering of souls in Iraq the gathering light of Shakina or Shock `n

When the first flash of Shock `n Awe comes on that moonless night will it be
interpreted by Iraqis as the coming of the god of thunder, Yahweh, over the
sacred city of Baghdad?

We shall soon see.

Friday, March 21, 2003

This came from Jeffrey this morning, a piece written
by Christine Northrup, MD - which makes sense.
All our hatred feeds the fire of more hatred.
Read this and see what you think about it:

Each of us has the power, through our thoughts and emotions, to
influence the energy of the planet in a way that helps prevent further
conflict and also creates peace. Here's what you can do.
1. Use your thoughts wisely. Understand their power. Thoughts have a
tendency to become their physical equivalent. This is one of the
fundamental laws of the universe. Another is the law of attraction,
which states that "Like attracts like." Because it is consciousness that
creates reality, the kind of consciousness you hold - your vibration -
actually creates the kind of life you're living. It's impossible to
create peace and harmony if you're pushing up against a war. It's
impossible to create peace and harmony if you're condemning George Bush,
Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, etc. You don't have to agree with them, but
realize that you'll be contributing to the energy that creates war if
you assume an "embattled" mentality concerning them. The split in our
nation right now about war is actually creating more of the energy of
war. It's not possible to "fight" for peace without creating war.

2. To create peace, you have to be peaceful. The only way to stop war is
to start from within yourself. You must do personal disarmament. The
only way to get and stay peaceful is to concentrate on what brings you
peace and resist the downward spiral of negative emotions that blames
others for your lack of peace. Remember, that to which you give your
attention expands. Although there is no denying that we're in a perilous
and frightening position right now, that doesn't mean we are powerless
to change it. But the only way to do so is by changing your thoughts and
emotions from those of anger, hatred, and fear to those associated with
compassion and peace.
Spend 30 seconds several times a day creating a "virtual" reality of
what peace would look and feel like. Imagine that it's a year from now
and the economy is flourishing. George Bush is radiantly healthy; the
governments of the free world are all cooperating to ensure global
harmony and peace. And Saddam and Bin Laden and their influence have
disappeared from the planet. Imagine all our soldiers
back home and reunited with their families. Imagine a global village in
which all of us can travel freely, joyously and with understanding and
acceptance of each other's cultures. When thinking about Iraq or North
Korea, imagine the women and children. Send your energy and compassion
to them. Don't try to change the
men of these countries. In fact, don't even give them any thought lest
you energize them. Withdraw your energy from them so that you will no
longer be "feeding" them.

Dozens of studies have documented the fact that our thoughts can and do
affect others in profound and measurable ways. When a critical mass of
individuals (1% of the population) was brought together to practice
Transcendental Meditation in various areas of the world, for example,
there was a measurable decrease in the number of violent crimes,
suicides, terrorist attacks, and even international conflicts worldwide.
(Orme-Johnson, et al. (1988). International Peace Project in the Middle
East: The effect of the Maharishi technology on the unified field.
Journal of Conflict Resolution, vol. 32, (4), pp. 776-812.)
There are also over 180 studies that have documented the positive effect
of prayer on everything from other humans to yeast cells.

3. Imagine all the angels and non-physical beings who are working on the
other side to protect and uplift all of us. Know that they can only do
their work in an atmosphere of compassion, not condemnation. The energy
of condemnation will prevent them from connecting with the hearts of
those who most need their inspiration and love.

4. Avoid watching the news and reading the newspapers. Headlines are
designed to keep you afraid and disempowered so that you will buy more
papers or watch more TV. Then you get "hooked" on the news because
you're waiting for some official "guidance" that will
keep you safe and secure. This simply can't happen, because it's not the
way the media is set up. The media is designed to get you riled up, so
you remain tuned into the "chain of pain." The only lasting safety and
security come from the peace that you create within yourself. What's
safe for one person will be dangerous for another. Remember all the
hundreds of stories from September 11 about the people who were supposed
to be at the World Trade Center but, for hundreds of different reasons,
simply weren't there that day. Tune into how
you're feeling when you've severed the influence of the mass media. This
will give you the guidance you're seeking.

5. Finally, know that when you are tuned into your heart, your Inner
Wisdom, and God, then your energy lightens up and your vibration
literally changes. You become a beacon of light and peace. You become an
uplifter and a peacemaker. There's an old saying, "The
rising tide lifts all boats. But it won't raise a stone." Stop looking
at and thinking about the stones. Join me in raising the tide. And
remember the words of the great M. K. Gandhi, "When in despair, I
remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always
won; there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they can seem
invincible, but in the end they always fall."

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Thursday, March 20, 2003

(thanks to Gayle Kinsey)

Dr. Lark has been telling you about the wonderful health benefits of green tea, a potent source of
antioxidants, for years. And now it appears that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) agrees. A
newly completed study conducted by the USDA suggests that green tea may have important health
benefits for your immunity, cholesterol, heart and entire cardiovascular system.

Just one cup of green tea daily will:
* Protect your cells from free radical damage with potent antioxidants.
* Boost your immune system.
* Lower blood fat levels, which in turn promotes normal cholesterol levels.
* Increase the HDL cholesterol that your body needs to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.
* Help control weight with natural thermogenic agents.

Green tea used to be quite difficult to find. Nowadays, green tea is everywhere, even in grocery
stores. However, not all green teas are created equal. Dr. Lark is concerned that her patients and
readers are drinking inferior green teas that lack many of the health-giving nutrients.

That's because the way green tea is grown and processed is extremely important to the quality. Many
tea products on the market today are grown in mineral-depleted soil and are treated with pesticides.
Furthermore, some tea processors take shortcuts during the manufacturing process, cuts that could
affect the potency and strength of their tea.

After much searching, Dr. Lark finally found a superior green tea that's certified organic and grown
in fertile, nutrient-rich soil. It's called Planet Organic. This delicious green tea has potent
antioxidants and it's 97% caffeine-free!

Unfortunately, Planet Organic teas aren't available in most grocery or health food stores. That's
why Dr. Lark asked us to make it available to you. It's the best tea she's found to give you the
powerful antioxidants your body needs, plus it's safe and organic. To learn more, or to take
advantage of this special offer, simply go to

To your health,
Dr. Lark's Daily Balance Team

P.S. Drinking a cup of green tea every day is one of the best ways to give your body powerful health
benefits. For more information, go to

Monday, March 17, 2003

Thanks to Changing Planet for this article:

Taken from the Authentic Breathing Resources Newsletter


Here is a short passage from Dennis Lewis' book "The Tao of
Natural Breathing," as well as an associated practice that he
though you might like to try.

"The process of breathing is a living metaphor for understanding
how to expand our narrow sense of ourselves and be present to the
healing energies that are both in and around us. Every time we
inhale we take in some 1022 atoms, including approximately one
million of the same atoms of air inhaled by Lao Tzu, Buddha,
Christ, and everyone else who has ever lived on this earth. Every
time we exhale, we return these atoms to the atmosphere to be
renewed for both present and future generations. Every time we
inhale, we absorb oxygen expelled into the atmosphere as a waste
product by the earth's plant life. Every time we exhale, we expel
carbon dioxide as a waste product into the atmosphere where it
can eventually be absorbed by this same plant life. In nature,
nothing is wasted. Our breath is a link in the cosmic ecology--in
the conservation, transformation, and exchange of substances in
nature's complex metabolism. It connects our so-called inner
world with the vast scale of the outer world-of the earth and its
atmosphere, as well as of all organic life--through the
perceptible alternation of yin and yang, of negative and
positive, of emptying and filling. The process of breathing, if
we can begin to understand it in relation to the whole of life,
shows us the way to let go of the old and open to the new. It
shows us the way to experience who and what we actually are. It
shows us the way to wholeness and well-being."

>From "The Tao of Natural Breathing," Copyright 1997 by Dennis



Having read this overview from my book (recommended before doing
this practice), here is a safe, simple practice that you can try
when you feel particularly stressed out, anxious, or fearful. The
exercise is best done outside where there are expansive vistas,
trees, grass, running water, and so on. If no such environment is
available to you now, then simply try it wherever you are.

The first step is to sense yourself as you are without trying to
change anything. Notice how you are breathing. Is your breath
full, shallow, fast, slow, quiet, noisy, even, uneven? What parts
of your body are breathing? Take a few minutes to notice all the
qualities that you can without intentionally changing anything.

Now see if you can sense the reality of yourself as part of
"organic life on earth". You can do this sitting, standing, or
lying down. Whatever posture you take notice how your weight is
supported effortlessly from beneath you. As you relax into this
support, notice how your breathing changes. Again take note of
all of its qualities.

Now, still feeling that you are being fully supported by the
earth, follow your exhalation, allowing yourself to see and
release anything that is disturbing you, realizing that your
exhalation is part of the cosmic ecology and will eventually be
used not just by plant life but by animals and other human
beings. When your inhalation arises, remember that the air you
take in has been influenced by everything that is living or has
ever lived on the earth. Take several breaths in this way,
noticing how your stress, anxieties and fears begin to wane as
they are absorbed into a larger sense of your own wholeness.
Enjoy this larger sense of wholeness as your breath takes place
within it. When you are ready to finish, take a moment to reflect
how your state has changed from when you began the practice.

Saturday, March 15, 2003

I received this today from Jeffrey - with his comments interspersed -
Jeff is doing a weekly radio show on WEEU - Reading PA - and his
show is very very good--Check it out on the 'net -

From Dr. Armond Rossi's monthly newsletter:

We have seen a lot of material lately from DC's and medical people alike talking about the benefits of chiropractic as an alternative health care. My question has been, "Alternative to what?" Does this mean we treat diseases and symptoms by using an alternative approach? Or could this mean that we have an altogether alternative way of understanding where health comes from and what is really is. If we view health as a body that is free of symptoms, are we correct that we are in a true state of health? But if we realize that health may mean a body, mind, and spirit that is in constant change and adaptation to the environment (stresses), with or without symptoms, could that really be an alternative form of health. Think about it...

Thursday, March 13, 2003
NEW STUDY ON DOCTORS WHO HARM PATIENTS MARCH 13. AP reports on yet another study that shows the dangers of medical drugs. This time it’s about prescribing errors.

Dr. Jerry Gurwitz, from the University of Massachusetts Medical School, led the study team, which focused on 30,000 elderly people on Medicare in the New England area.

Contrary to what we might suppose, 80 percent of the errors in drug-taking resulted from physician mistakes. The elderly patients: 20 percent.

AP: “Largely because of doctors’ errors, older outpatients in the United States have about half a million preventable side effects each year, ranging from nausea to life-threatening kidney failure…”

What the study team did not explore is the spiraling failure of the whole drug approach itself.

Symptom leads to drug taking, which produces more symptoms, which leads to more drugs, and so on.

Drug companies and researchers and bureaucrats with agendas stake out a territory for treatment, based on false science, and intervene with drugs.

You should find Dr. Peter Breggin’s book, The War Against Children of Color. It details how government psychiatrists, in conjunction with the Human Genome Project, have been trying to float the idea that certain genes automatically create criminals. The ongoing project? Go into inner city schools, examine and test young black children and “discover” genetic markers that predict a life of crime. Then come in behind that with drugs like Prozac.

Prozac, of course, has been shown to have the ability to INDUCE violent behavior.

It’s called a self-fulfilling prophecy.

JON RAPPOPORT www.stratiawire.com

*************(from Jeff):Also, read Bruce Lipton, PHd., who discovered in research that genes do not dictate cell behavior anyway, and that cells take their cues from their environment! (http://www.brucelipton.com).

Thursday, March 13, 2003
A DEATH IN WALES, NOT A STATISTIC MARCH 13. See if you can spot the truly outstanding fact in the following story.

The Western Mail, a newspaper in Wales---Mar. 12, “Coroner calls for drug to be withdrawn.”

“The world’s best-selling anti-depressant should be withdrawn from sale in the UK, a coroner said yesterday after linking the drug to the death of a retired Welsh teacher.

“Geraint William added his voice to a growing body of health experts concerned about a link between Seroxat [Paxil] and suicide after hearing how Colin Whitfield killed himself two weeks after starting a course of the drug.

“Mr. Williams will now call on the Department of Health to undertake an urgent inquiry into the controversial anti-depressant, which is manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline and prescribed to millions of people around the world.”


In the US, I doubt there is one medical examiner who has the balls to suggest that a drug like Paxil should be cancelled. That is how powerful a hold the medical cartel maintains on public life.

In America, if one coroner at an inquest stood up on his hind legs and said that Paxil or Zoloft or Prozac should be outlawed, that coroner would be called insane by 100 psychiatric stooges in five minutes. A billion-dollar lawsuit would be filed against him.

Apparently in Wales not everyone has gone brain dead. There is still an independent flame burning. My hat is off.

In the US, a reporter is very fortunate if he can even find out that a suicide has taken a psychiatric drug. It’s normally a state secret on the level of a new jet fighter’s radar system.

No one in the US knows about the radar system, but the Chinese already have it. Well, in this case, the Chinese are Wales. And in this case, it’s a very good thing that Wales knows what’s really going on.

In the hinterlands, the medical cartel still has its struggles. There are people like this coroner who just speak their minds without waiting for a consultation with 12 lawyers, a PR goof, a pharmaceutical hit man, and a public health official.

The Wales story is hitting the fan, and Glaxo PR flacks are spinning it like mad. But their kind of PR only works in countries where the population is massively and deeply trained to knuckle under and go to sleep. In other words, almost everywhere. I hope to hell Wales in not one of those places.

In Wales, a “retired schoolteacher” raises the image of a decent fellow who did his work for 30 years and then went out to pasture. People say, “He took a drug and killed himself?” It creates a troubling dissonance, and people, using their common sense, point to the drug right away as the culprit.

In America, we have the specter of a mass of 300 million residents who are homogenized into a coast-to-coast putty. “Oh yeah, another suicide. Happen every 25.6 minutes. What’s Britney up to?”

Come on, Wales, hang in. Carry the torch.

JON RAPPOPORT www.stratiawire.com

Dr. Jeffrey

Dr. Jeffrey Lupowitz
Network Spinal Care West
Gentle Spinal Touch for Greater Life, Health and Happiness
2419 Penn Avenue
West Lawn PA 19609
610 670 6202
610 670 6789 fax
Check: http://www.innateintelligence.com

It seems to be as good a day as any to start weblogging - so this
is the day.

I will post whatever passes through my muddled mind, floats
to the top of consciousness, demands to be saved and passed along.

This blog is for alternative health and spirit information, and is
freely distributed.

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Thanks for joining me -
Love, Lil

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