Saturday, March 15, 2003
I received this today from Jeffrey - with his comments interspersed -
Jeff is doing a weekly radio show on WEEU - Reading PA - and his
show is very very good--Check it out on the 'net -
From Dr. Armond Rossi's monthly newsletter:
We have seen a lot of material lately from DC's and medical people alike talking about the benefits of chiropractic as an alternative health care. My question has been, "Alternative to what?" Does this mean we treat diseases and symptoms by using an alternative approach? Or could this mean that we have an altogether alternative way of understanding where health comes from and what is really is. If we view health as a body that is free of symptoms, are we correct that we are in a true state of health? But if we realize that health may mean a body, mind, and spirit that is in constant change and adaptation to the environment (stresses), with or without symptoms, could that really be an alternative form of health. Think about it...
Thursday, March 13, 2003
NEW STUDY ON DOCTORS WHO HARM PATIENTS MARCH 13. AP reports on yet another study that shows the dangers of medical drugs. This time it’s about prescribing errors.
Dr. Jerry Gurwitz, from the University of Massachusetts Medical School, led the study team, which focused on 30,000 elderly people on Medicare in the New England area.
Contrary to what we might suppose, 80 percent of the errors in drug-taking resulted from physician mistakes. The elderly patients: 20 percent.
AP: “Largely because of doctors’ errors, older outpatients in the United States have about half a million preventable side effects each year, ranging from nausea to life-threatening kidney failure…”
What the study team did not explore is the spiraling failure of the whole drug approach itself.
Symptom leads to drug taking, which produces more symptoms, which leads to more drugs, and so on.
Drug companies and researchers and bureaucrats with agendas stake out a territory for treatment, based on false science, and intervene with drugs.
You should find Dr. Peter Breggin’s book, The War Against Children of Color. It details how government psychiatrists, in conjunction with the Human Genome Project, have been trying to float the idea that certain genes automatically create criminals. The ongoing project? Go into inner city schools, examine and test young black children and “discover” genetic markers that predict a life of crime. Then come in behind that with drugs like Prozac.
Prozac, of course, has been shown to have the ability to INDUCE violent behavior.
It’s called a self-fulfilling prophecy.
*************(from Jeff):Also, read Bruce Lipton, PHd., who discovered in research that genes do not dictate cell behavior anyway, and that cells take their cues from their environment! (
Thursday, March 13, 2003
A DEATH IN WALES, NOT A STATISTIC MARCH 13. See if you can spot the truly outstanding fact in the following story.
The Western Mail, a newspaper in Wales---Mar. 12, “Coroner calls for drug to be withdrawn.”
“The world’s best-selling anti-depressant should be withdrawn from sale in the UK, a coroner said yesterday after linking the drug to the death of a retired Welsh teacher.
“Geraint William added his voice to a growing body of health experts concerned about a link between Seroxat [Paxil] and suicide after hearing how Colin Whitfield killed himself two weeks after starting a course of the drug.
“Mr. Williams will now call on the Department of Health to undertake an urgent inquiry into the controversial anti-depressant, which is manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline and prescribed to millions of people around the world.”
In the US, I doubt there is one medical examiner who has the balls to suggest that a drug like Paxil should be cancelled. That is how powerful a hold the medical cartel maintains on public life.
In America, if one coroner at an inquest stood up on his hind legs and said that Paxil or Zoloft or Prozac should be outlawed, that coroner would be called insane by 100 psychiatric stooges in five minutes. A billion-dollar lawsuit would be filed against him.
Apparently in Wales not everyone has gone brain dead. There is still an independent flame burning. My hat is off.
In the US, a reporter is very fortunate if he can even find out that a suicide has taken a psychiatric drug. It’s normally a state secret on the level of a new jet fighter’s radar system.
No one in the US knows about the radar system, but the Chinese already have it. Well, in this case, the Chinese are Wales. And in this case, it’s a very good thing that Wales knows what’s really going on.
In the hinterlands, the medical cartel still has its struggles. There are people like this coroner who just speak their minds without waiting for a consultation with 12 lawyers, a PR goof, a pharmaceutical hit man, and a public health official.
The Wales story is hitting the fan, and Glaxo PR flacks are spinning it like mad. But their kind of PR only works in countries where the population is massively and deeply trained to knuckle under and go to sleep. In other words, almost everywhere. I hope to hell Wales in not one of those places.
In Wales, a “retired schoolteacher” raises the image of a decent fellow who did his work for 30 years and then went out to pasture. People say, “He took a drug and killed himself?” It creates a troubling dissonance, and people, using their common sense, point to the drug right away as the culprit.
In America, we have the specter of a mass of 300 million residents who are homogenized into a coast-to-coast putty. “Oh yeah, another suicide. Happen every 25.6 minutes. What’s Britney up to?”
Come on, Wales, hang in. Carry the torch.
Dr. Jeffrey
Dr. Jeffrey Lupowitz
Network Spinal Care West
Gentle Spinal Touch for Greater Life, Health and Happiness
2419 Penn Avenue
West Lawn PA 19609
610 670 6202
610 670 6789 fax
Jeff is doing a weekly radio show on WEEU - Reading PA - and his
show is very very good--Check it out on the 'net -
From Dr. Armond Rossi's monthly newsletter:
We have seen a lot of material lately from DC's and medical people alike talking about the benefits of chiropractic as an alternative health care. My question has been, "Alternative to what?" Does this mean we treat diseases and symptoms by using an alternative approach? Or could this mean that we have an altogether alternative way of understanding where health comes from and what is really is. If we view health as a body that is free of symptoms, are we correct that we are in a true state of health? But if we realize that health may mean a body, mind, and spirit that is in constant change and adaptation to the environment (stresses), with or without symptoms, could that really be an alternative form of health. Think about it...
Thursday, March 13, 2003
NEW STUDY ON DOCTORS WHO HARM PATIENTS MARCH 13. AP reports on yet another study that shows the dangers of medical drugs. This time it’s about prescribing errors.
Dr. Jerry Gurwitz, from the University of Massachusetts Medical School, led the study team, which focused on 30,000 elderly people on Medicare in the New England area.
Contrary to what we might suppose, 80 percent of the errors in drug-taking resulted from physician mistakes. The elderly patients: 20 percent.
AP: “Largely because of doctors’ errors, older outpatients in the United States have about half a million preventable side effects each year, ranging from nausea to life-threatening kidney failure…”
What the study team did not explore is the spiraling failure of the whole drug approach itself.
Symptom leads to drug taking, which produces more symptoms, which leads to more drugs, and so on.
Drug companies and researchers and bureaucrats with agendas stake out a territory for treatment, based on false science, and intervene with drugs.
You should find Dr. Peter Breggin’s book, The War Against Children of Color. It details how government psychiatrists, in conjunction with the Human Genome Project, have been trying to float the idea that certain genes automatically create criminals. The ongoing project? Go into inner city schools, examine and test young black children and “discover” genetic markers that predict a life of crime. Then come in behind that with drugs like Prozac.
Prozac, of course, has been shown to have the ability to INDUCE violent behavior.
It’s called a self-fulfilling prophecy.
*************(from Jeff):Also, read Bruce Lipton, PHd., who discovered in research that genes do not dictate cell behavior anyway, and that cells take their cues from their environment! (
Thursday, March 13, 2003
A DEATH IN WALES, NOT A STATISTIC MARCH 13. See if you can spot the truly outstanding fact in the following story.
The Western Mail, a newspaper in Wales---Mar. 12, “Coroner calls for drug to be withdrawn.”
“The world’s best-selling anti-depressant should be withdrawn from sale in the UK, a coroner said yesterday after linking the drug to the death of a retired Welsh teacher.
“Geraint William added his voice to a growing body of health experts concerned about a link between Seroxat [Paxil] and suicide after hearing how Colin Whitfield killed himself two weeks after starting a course of the drug.
“Mr. Williams will now call on the Department of Health to undertake an urgent inquiry into the controversial anti-depressant, which is manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline and prescribed to millions of people around the world.”
In the US, I doubt there is one medical examiner who has the balls to suggest that a drug like Paxil should be cancelled. That is how powerful a hold the medical cartel maintains on public life.
In America, if one coroner at an inquest stood up on his hind legs and said that Paxil or Zoloft or Prozac should be outlawed, that coroner would be called insane by 100 psychiatric stooges in five minutes. A billion-dollar lawsuit would be filed against him.
Apparently in Wales not everyone has gone brain dead. There is still an independent flame burning. My hat is off.
In the US, a reporter is very fortunate if he can even find out that a suicide has taken a psychiatric drug. It’s normally a state secret on the level of a new jet fighter’s radar system.
No one in the US knows about the radar system, but the Chinese already have it. Well, in this case, the Chinese are Wales. And in this case, it’s a very good thing that Wales knows what’s really going on.
In the hinterlands, the medical cartel still has its struggles. There are people like this coroner who just speak their minds without waiting for a consultation with 12 lawyers, a PR goof, a pharmaceutical hit man, and a public health official.
The Wales story is hitting the fan, and Glaxo PR flacks are spinning it like mad. But their kind of PR only works in countries where the population is massively and deeply trained to knuckle under and go to sleep. In other words, almost everywhere. I hope to hell Wales in not one of those places.
In Wales, a “retired schoolteacher” raises the image of a decent fellow who did his work for 30 years and then went out to pasture. People say, “He took a drug and killed himself?” It creates a troubling dissonance, and people, using their common sense, point to the drug right away as the culprit.
In America, we have the specter of a mass of 300 million residents who are homogenized into a coast-to-coast putty. “Oh yeah, another suicide. Happen every 25.6 minutes. What’s Britney up to?”
Come on, Wales, hang in. Carry the torch.
Dr. Jeffrey
Dr. Jeffrey Lupowitz
Network Spinal Care West
Gentle Spinal Touch for Greater Life, Health and Happiness
2419 Penn Avenue
West Lawn PA 19609
610 670 6202
610 670 6789 fax