Friday, March 21, 2003

This came from Jeffrey this morning, a piece written
by Christine Northrup, MD - which makes sense.
All our hatred feeds the fire of more hatred.
Read this and see what you think about it:

Each of us has the power, through our thoughts and emotions, to
influence the energy of the planet in a way that helps prevent further
conflict and also creates peace. Here's what you can do.
1. Use your thoughts wisely. Understand their power. Thoughts have a
tendency to become their physical equivalent. This is one of the
fundamental laws of the universe. Another is the law of attraction,
which states that "Like attracts like." Because it is consciousness that
creates reality, the kind of consciousness you hold - your vibration -
actually creates the kind of life you're living. It's impossible to
create peace and harmony if you're pushing up against a war. It's
impossible to create peace and harmony if you're condemning George Bush,
Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, etc. You don't have to agree with them, but
realize that you'll be contributing to the energy that creates war if
you assume an "embattled" mentality concerning them. The split in our
nation right now about war is actually creating more of the energy of
war. It's not possible to "fight" for peace without creating war.

2. To create peace, you have to be peaceful. The only way to stop war is
to start from within yourself. You must do personal disarmament. The
only way to get and stay peaceful is to concentrate on what brings you
peace and resist the downward spiral of negative emotions that blames
others for your lack of peace. Remember, that to which you give your
attention expands. Although there is no denying that we're in a perilous
and frightening position right now, that doesn't mean we are powerless
to change it. But the only way to do so is by changing your thoughts and
emotions from those of anger, hatred, and fear to those associated with
compassion and peace.
Spend 30 seconds several times a day creating a "virtual" reality of
what peace would look and feel like. Imagine that it's a year from now
and the economy is flourishing. George Bush is radiantly healthy; the
governments of the free world are all cooperating to ensure global
harmony and peace. And Saddam and Bin Laden and their influence have
disappeared from the planet. Imagine all our soldiers
back home and reunited with their families. Imagine a global village in
which all of us can travel freely, joyously and with understanding and
acceptance of each other's cultures. When thinking about Iraq or North
Korea, imagine the women and children. Send your energy and compassion
to them. Don't try to change the
men of these countries. In fact, don't even give them any thought lest
you energize them. Withdraw your energy from them so that you will no
longer be "feeding" them.

Dozens of studies have documented the fact that our thoughts can and do
affect others in profound and measurable ways. When a critical mass of
individuals (1% of the population) was brought together to practice
Transcendental Meditation in various areas of the world, for example,
there was a measurable decrease in the number of violent crimes,
suicides, terrorist attacks, and even international conflicts worldwide.
(Orme-Johnson, et al. (1988). International Peace Project in the Middle
East: The effect of the Maharishi technology on the unified field.
Journal of Conflict Resolution, vol. 32, (4), pp. 776-812.)
There are also over 180 studies that have documented the positive effect
of prayer on everything from other humans to yeast cells.

3. Imagine all the angels and non-physical beings who are working on the
other side to protect and uplift all of us. Know that they can only do
their work in an atmosphere of compassion, not condemnation. The energy
of condemnation will prevent them from connecting with the hearts of
those who most need their inspiration and love.

4. Avoid watching the news and reading the newspapers. Headlines are
designed to keep you afraid and disempowered so that you will buy more
papers or watch more TV. Then you get "hooked" on the news because
you're waiting for some official "guidance" that will
keep you safe and secure. This simply can't happen, because it's not the
way the media is set up. The media is designed to get you riled up, so
you remain tuned into the "chain of pain." The only lasting safety and
security come from the peace that you create within yourself. What's
safe for one person will be dangerous for another. Remember all the
hundreds of stories from September 11 about the people who were supposed
to be at the World Trade Center but, for hundreds of different reasons,
simply weren't there that day. Tune into how
you're feeling when you've severed the influence of the mass media. This
will give you the guidance you're seeking.

5. Finally, know that when you are tuned into your heart, your Inner
Wisdom, and God, then your energy lightens up and your vibration
literally changes. You become a beacon of light and peace. You become an
uplifter and a peacemaker. There's an old saying, "The
rising tide lifts all boats. But it won't raise a stone." Stop looking
at and thinking about the stones. Join me in raising the tide. And
remember the words of the great M. K. Gandhi, "When in despair, I
remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always
won; there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they can seem
invincible, but in the end they always fall."

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

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