Saturday, November 05, 2005
Jib jab strikes again. Wal-Mart's not laughing.
Big Box Mart tells the story an unsuspecting consumer who learns an economic lesson the hard way when his high-skilled factory job is shipped overseas to accommodate the "everyday low prices" he's come to expect from his favorite retailer. At the end of the song, the only work he can find is as a janitor at Big Box Mart. Visit our website to see it for yourself and make sure to spread the word to your family and friends.
Big Box Mart tells the story an unsuspecting consumer who learns an economic lesson the hard way when his high-skilled factory job is shipped overseas to accommodate the "everyday low prices" he's come to expect from his favorite retailer. At the end of the song, the only work he can find is as a janitor at Big Box Mart. Visit our website to see it for yourself and make sure to spread the word to your family and friends.