Monday, November 14, 2005

7 questions/observations:

1) Why is it that, in a day's driving up and down the hill from Corrales
to Rio Rancho, I have: some groceries, a swim at the spa
and a mediocre meal - and I drove over 82 speed bumps for that?
It's true, I counted them. 82. By the way, nice work on the Alameda
intersection again, with no one working and hundreds of cars burning
useless fuel in orange barrel hell.

2) Why has no one told the MRGCD that the NM sunflower is an endangered
species, since they have systematically eradicated the sunflower, among
other wildflowers, by mowing and scraping the ditches every year
in September before the flowers go to seed? Can we give them $900K to
STOP doing that?

3) Why would anyone think it's not true that a
particularly horrible smell comes out of Intel late at night?
Are they hard of smelling? Who would make that up? It's bad, admit it.
Surely something can be done about fixing it.

4) Why would anyone state publicly in the paper that 2000 deaths in Iraq
(at the minimum) were 'negligible'- or that a piece of paper that says
"constitution" is worth all those deaths-- and those of more than 100,000
wounded and more than 100,000 dead Iraquis--that were murdered for a
piece of paper-- is'negligible' and does not deserve the front page headline
of another piece of paper? Why?

...And does the woman who wrote that letter know that the
second Article of the Iraq Constitution she holds in such regard will
criminalize secular clothing for women, and put them all back in the burqua?
Is that also 'negligible'?

5) Who is going to take the new train to work? We need more and smaller buses,
more routes, more stops and connections - rather than extra-big, mostly-empty
billboards, and millions spent on a train to nowhere, from nowhere... The train
station is a disgrace, and there's no excuse for it.

6) Do you find it odd that " a slow flu season " occurred in a year
when far fewer than usual got the flu shot? This year, as they pump out
millions of shots and pump up the volume on the Fear-O-Meter, watch out!
Better hope that echinacea isn't just a 'myth'...

7) Why is it that you need approval from P&Z to put a sign in front of
your home - but you can buy a piece of land and chop down every tree on
it,and don't have to ask permission from anyone to do that?

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