Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Allergy Sensitivity Doubles Since 1970s
Scientists Don't Know What's Behind Increase (Aug. 8) -- More than half of all Americans test positive in response to one or more allergens, double the percentage who did 30 years ago, a new study reports. Note from TK: Scientists don't know? Depends on the scientists they speak to. There are studies indicating that allergies are the result of vaccination (I cite them in Childhood Vaccination: Questions All Parents Should Ask - see above).

Family Hope Center
The Family Hope Center is a center for children who have been diagnosed with Hyperactivity, ADD, ADHD, Mental Retardation, Autism, Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy or Epilepsy. I've adjusted children at the Family Hope Center using KST (lots of cranial and upper cervical subluxations). Many of these children are birth and vaccine-injured. The people running this wonderful interdisciplinary organization use homeopathy, nutrition, chiropractic, bodywork, craniosacral therapy and many other approaches to heal damaged brains and bodies. You've got to see their miracles to believe it. Check them out at

Who is the FDA really protecting?
Canada Regulators Order Top-Selling ADHD drug withdrawn (FDA keeps it on market)
Canada pulled the top selling drug Adreall citing sudden deaths from users on February 9, 2005. Adderall is linked to 20 deaths - 14 children and 6 adults plus 12 strokes (2 in children) which is higher than other ADHD drugs. Adderall was prescribed to 11,000 Canadians.
It is still prescribed to 700,000 children and adults in the US. The FDA hasn't pulled it, reporting on its website that it "does not feel immediate changes are warranted."

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