Thursday, April 03, 2003
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome):
A Great Global SCAM
Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.
Author of thirteen books including the national bestseller,
Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intentional? and
Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare
Rather than a public health emergency, the “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome,” generally called SARS, is best diagnosed as a “Sickening and Repulsive Scam.” This article argues that this unprecedented viral attack is, alternatively, an ingenious social experiment featuring institutionalized bioterrorism for widespread psycho-social control. The outcome of this experiment, whether it leads to population reduction or not, depends on you.
You are about to read much neglected truths pertaining to this bizarre new pneumonia-like illness called SARS. Authorities explain this acronym for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome as simply the latest threat in an ongoing series of attacks on humanity by mysteriously mutating “super-germs.” Yet, a careful study of this multi-disciplinary subject reveals something amiss far more insidious and deadly than SARS. This spreading scourge of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome stretching from Asia to North America has all the earmarks of a novel social experiment in population manipulation aimed to culture the mass mind for the arrival of “the Big One”—a biological agent that will facilitate decimation of approximately a third to half of the world’s population, in keeping with current official population reduction objectives.
Naturally you would be disinclined to believe the above sentence. Open-mindedness in this domain threatens exposure to a “Twilight Zone” of knowledge in which reality is far stranger than fiction. Your first instinct, therefore, might be to close this page in favor of the next SARS site that promises more of the standard treatments broadcast on every official news page and government report on this subject. But, if you choose to have your worldview shattered by considering the little known truths surrounding Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, then continue reading. . . .
“No great epidemic has ever evolved divorced from major socio-political
upheaval.” >>>>more at website
A Great Global SCAM
Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.
Author of thirteen books including the national bestseller,
Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intentional? and
Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare
Rather than a public health emergency, the “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome,” generally called SARS, is best diagnosed as a “Sickening and Repulsive Scam.” This article argues that this unprecedented viral attack is, alternatively, an ingenious social experiment featuring institutionalized bioterrorism for widespread psycho-social control. The outcome of this experiment, whether it leads to population reduction or not, depends on you.
You are about to read much neglected truths pertaining to this bizarre new pneumonia-like illness called SARS. Authorities explain this acronym for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome as simply the latest threat in an ongoing series of attacks on humanity by mysteriously mutating “super-germs.” Yet, a careful study of this multi-disciplinary subject reveals something amiss far more insidious and deadly than SARS. This spreading scourge of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome stretching from Asia to North America has all the earmarks of a novel social experiment in population manipulation aimed to culture the mass mind for the arrival of “the Big One”—a biological agent that will facilitate decimation of approximately a third to half of the world’s population, in keeping with current official population reduction objectives.
Naturally you would be disinclined to believe the above sentence. Open-mindedness in this domain threatens exposure to a “Twilight Zone” of knowledge in which reality is far stranger than fiction. Your first instinct, therefore, might be to close this page in favor of the next SARS site that promises more of the standard treatments broadcast on every official news page and government report on this subject. But, if you choose to have your worldview shattered by considering the little known truths surrounding Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, then continue reading. . . .
“No great epidemic has ever evolved divorced from major socio-political
upheaval.” >>>>more at website