Friday, April 04, 2003

How about this? Right on time!
Watch out for worldwide panic - another
diversion from the war which is a diversion
from Enron, the dollar, whatever...



April 4. "...executive order Friday allowing the forced quarantine of people suspected of having a mysterious new illness [SARS]...grants authority to Tommy ["I'm not taking the smallpox shot"] Thompson to decide when such a quarantine [of a reluctant citizen with chest congestion] is needed."

The MSNBC and wire service story I'm quoting from also states, with a straight face, paraphrasing "government officials," that Bush's executive order "is not meant to escalate fears in the public's mind..."

What is it meant to do? Stimulate Internet shopping?

The actual executive order directs the "apprehension, detention or conditional release [electronic ankle bracelet?] of individuals [who refuse hospitalization and isolation] to prevent the introduction, transmission or spread of suspected communicable diseases."


The order specifically mentions SARS. This is the first disease added to the government's quarantine list in 20 years.

The supposed trigger for Bush's order was a woman coming back to the US on a plane from somewhere in Asia. She had a cough and a fever. COUGH AND A FEVER. She was told she should go to a hospital and she said no thanks and moved on into the night.

The new quarantine command from the lofty clouds above Mt. White House permits cops to bust a person who has been "exposed," has no symptoms, and "may be infected." HAS NO SYMPTOMS.

Of course, there is no test for infection, because they have no germ.

But wait. They say they do. A member of the coronavirus family. The CDC is going with that.

In fact, government work has begun to develop, you guessed it, a vaccine. With animal tests and all, this could take a year or two. The vaccine will "inoculate against" the coronavirus.

Of course, as Dr. Anthony ("I'm a big shot, please believe I'm a big shot") Fauci, head of the US Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said, if they later figure out that some other virus causes SARS, then they'll scrap all the research and throw millions of vials of vaccine into the garbage.

So far, there are 115 cases of so-called SARS in the US. No deaths.

And, as I've been writing, no proof that something called SARS exists.

Researchers "have a virus" like a homeless person in NYC has a horse running in the Kentucky Derby.

Bush is running neck and neck with Gerald Ford for presidential/medical boob of the last 200 years. But on the quarantine front, he's a leader.

You want a stock tip? Invest in a drug-company that sells over the counter cold and flu remedies. Because everybody and his brother is going to be trying to suppress the hell out of those symptoms, to avoid taking a ride to the isolation ward.

Maybe kids will be turning in their parents. "My daddy's been inserting Nyquil suppositories all day. He won't leave the garage."


April 4. In the wake of my recent SARS articles, I thought I'd spell out how certain medical OPS can work.

Clarity in these matters depends on which end of the telescope you're peering through.

The public sees the gradual and then accelerating spread of a plague or an epidemic or a wave of contagious illness. It looks like there was an origin point with a fanning out from that spot. It looks like people are catching a germ from one another and getting sick. It looks like the medical troops are moving in to try to save the day.

But if it's a planned OP, just the opposite is happening.

And here is one version of such an OP. You select the group you want to debilitate. You invent a list of symptoms, and you keep that list vague.

You go into the group and you find people who have the symptoms. Some of those people will be dying, usually because the water supply there is dirty and the food situation is bad, or because they are taking some very nasty drugs, or because they are working in an ag area where the pesticides are from hell. Or because they have just been shot up with loads of bad vaccines. (In China, areas went through a massive vaccine program about a year ago.)

So you start saying cases that have these vague symptoms actually have QRS, a new disease, and you dispatch med pros to the scene to take blood and look for a new germ.

You announce the probable cause, the germ you settle on.

You develop a blood test for the germ, and you say if the test is positive and the person has a few of these vague symptoms, he has QRS.

You already know that the blood test will read positive for a number a reasons that have nothing to do with this germ. That gives you a nice wide net so you can inflate case numbers and scare everybody and obtain travel bans, and:

You can also give all these cases a DRUG that is very toxic, that in fact produces one or two of the vague symptoms of QRS.

You shove in a new policy. If a person tests positive for the QRS germ, you give him the drug, even if he has no symptoms. You say this is a very smart preventive action.

So now these people who tested positive for the germ but had no symptoms WILL GET SYMPTOMS, because the drug will be causing the symptoms. But you say the symptoms are from the QRS germ.

The drug debilitates or kills people. The group you targeted is in a state of hysteria and fear. Of course, you have other people in this group who are dying because of the original reasons they got sick: starvation, dirty water, bad vaccines, other drugs, pesticides, etc. You call all these people QRS fatalities.

Those cases that recover without taking the QRS treatment you downplay. You don't give them press coverage. You call them weird miracles. You say they never really had QRS.

And if any medical pros stumble across the OP in progress and go public, you discredit them. You take away their funding. You say they are crazy.

Suppose a medical pro, a key figure (dupe) who helped establish the existence of QRS to begin with, wakes up and tries to go public and blow the whistle on some part of the scam.

You kill him.



April 4. Former CIA head James Woolsey recently spoke to a gathering at a teach-in at UCLA. He told students the Cold War was 3 and the war against terrorist nations is 4.

Some say Woolsay is positioning himself for a gig in post-war Iraq.

Funny thing. a few years back he readily admitted that Gulf War 1 was for OIL, and he tried to roll out a new company based on biomass energy as the wave of the future.

I guess that's all gone by the boards now.

Woolsey is for imposing freedom on the Axis of Evil. I wish him good luck. Hey Jim, check out some old Star Treks. The Prime Directive, remember? MOABS and C-4 are not the tools for founding a republic.

"The upcoming free election will be held at the point of a gun."



April 3. I have received much response to my articles on SARS. So I want to provide more information. This does not supplant what I've already written. To access previous articles that are now gone from this page, consult the archive link which has just gone up on the left column.

Health officials are busy tracing SARS through Asian patients in a number of countries, explaining this by pointing to China as the origin point. You know, Chinese people got sick in China or Hong Kong or Singapore, they traveled, they spread the disease to others, especially close friends and family who are also Chinese, etc.

Sounds reasonable. However, there is a built-in factor here that we need to be aware of. Since SARS has not been proved to be one disease at all, and since the symptoms are vague, searching through ANY SPECIALIZED POPULATION will turn up people who have those generalized symptoms: cough, fatigue, shortness of breath, respiratory problems.

It's a piece of sleight-of-hand stage magic. I could invent a disease, call it ABC, offer vague symptoms, say it originated in India, target Indians from London to New York, and begin to investigate Indians and I will DEFINITELY find "cases of ABC." No doubt. None at all. It's a slam dunk. I will find people, Indians, with those symptoms and I will then say they have ABC.

Of course, I will neglect to examine OTHER populations where the very same symptoms also exist, and where they are called DEF or GHI or JKL. Or nothing. Or the flu.

If you know logic, it's called a tautology. You start with an unproven assumption and you end up confirming your assumption by using it as the yardstick. A=A. You can't lose.

It's been pointed out that one or more hospitals have closed in Canada, where the hysteria is very high, and some hospital workers have been quarantined or have voluntarily quarantined themselves. As if this is proof that a contagious plague is spreading.

I must point out that hospital closings do not equal proof that one contagious disease with one cause is afoot.

Even those doctors who assert that SARS is one disease with one cause readily admit that the death rate is somewhere between 2 and 4 percent. This estimate is based on the falsehood that they have discovered most or all of the cases of SARS. Ridiculous. So if you say that there are thousands more people who have SARS who have not been diagnosed, who have not shown up sick at hospitals, you end up with the conclusion that many of these undiscovered cases are very probably not dying. Which pushes the death rate down much further.

Some say that, because the "discoverer" of SARS himself recently died, and because a very few doctors and nurses treating SARS patients have become ill "with SARS," this shows that we are, in fact, dealing with a contagious plague.

I refer back to an earlier piece I wrote. When you do not do a real case study of the ill and dead, you obtain only rumors and conjecture. You are swimming in unfathomable waters. You paint a picture from the imagination. I have learned, through extensive investigation of AIDS cases, that when autopsies and other methods were used, people were surprised to find OTHER unrelated and undisclosed prior health conditions that were, in fact, life threatening. You never know unless you look, very carefully.

Suppose you do find a nurse who has shortness of breath or respiratory problems. Do you jump to the conclusion that she "has SARS," since she was treating a "SARS patient?" By that vague standard, I could show you hundreds of cases of medical workers "with SARS."

Remember, there is no blood test, no diagnostic test at all for SARS. No one has come vaguely close to proving that a virus is on the loose here. So there is nothing to test for.

I have no doubt that people with recognized forms of pneumonia or TB (which regularly kill huge numbers of people around the world) have already been pinned with the SARS label.

There are more questions and more answers, but I'll stop here for now.



April 3. Another aspect: airports can use this pretext to come down harder on travelers and question them more closely about all sorts of matters. Where were you? Whom did you see? What did they say? Why were you there?

Now, on to more research matters. There is much material about SARS and what it may be circulating on the Internet. I want to bring up a few points that are not being discussed. For example, how you decide that a germ, any germ, may be related to illness.

There is a thing called titer. It refers to the numbers of germs present in the body. Let's say we have an ill person, and somebody finds germ X in his system. The next natural question is, how many germ Xs are there? One? Two? Six thousand? Fifty thousand?

Why is that question important? Because it is generally known that a lot of germs have to be present to do anything significant.

If only six germ Xs are there, you have nothing to talk about.

In the case of SARS, where no probable germ cause has been found, there is absolutely nothing to say about titer. "Let's try to figure out how many SARS germs he has in his body even though we don't have a SARS germ." Doesn't work. Not in this universe.

Now, a lot of pure speculations are offered when a new germ may have been discovered. You can always count on that.

"We think that even twelve germ Xs can cause great damage in the body, because we believe they turn inside out and whistle Dixie at a certain frequency that obliterates the liver."

Yes, we think so. We imagine so. We fantasize. But we know nothing.

In the case of HIV, which was never proved to cause anything, all sorts of weird and baseless scenarios were posited. HIV started a cascade of reactions in the body that resulted in the body attacking itself. HIV was hiding in the macrophages (certain immune system cells) and covertly destroying them like a stealth bomber. HIV was hiding in the spinal fluid and floating into the brain and wreaking havoc.

Compelling science fiction. People resonated with these ideas. But nothing was ever proved. It was on the order of saying, "The light from planet Lufoo is melting neural connections."

All these scenarios were floated because no one could actually find many HIVs in the body, and that was disturbing. How could HIV be causing lethal damage if there were so few of them?

In the case of SARS, we are nowhere near that stage of lying. We are still in the stage of lying about having a possible germ to look at. We are still in the stage of lying about SARS being one unique disease condition at all.

And yet people are taking off and flying with the premise that SARS IS, in fact, a unique disease condition, and it is caused by a germ somebody designed in a lab.


Now, I understand that the designer germ works if you see that SARS is very useful for keeping people in a state of fear and repression. You think, "Since this is a political OP, we must have a germ designed to achieve that effect."

But, as I've been writing since 1987, such an OP is better launched and controlled BY NOT HAVING ANY GERM AT ALL. That's right.

All you do is roll together lots of DIVERSE and DIFFERENT illness in many people, you call it SARS or AIDS or CFIDS or OOBLADEE, you get that name plastered on, and then everybody stands up and salutes and says VOILA, we have a new disease and it's horrible and we need a DRUG to treat the one killer germ. The drug always turns out to be highly toxic, and causes some of the very symptoms you're trying to cure. It's magic.

I hope you get this, because some of you are sending me articles about SARS and saying, "See, this is exactly what you're talking about. SARS is a bio-attack launched by a germ invented in a lab."


That's not what I'm saying.

Let me continue to build my point. If you are in the business of launching terror through epidemics, and if you are sophisticated, you know that a trillion or ten trillion germs spread out into the environment will produce an unknown effect. It's very iffy. AND THE IDEA THAT YOU REALLY HOLD A SECRET ANTIDOTE IN YOUR HAND AND SAVE IT FOR THE FAVORED FEW---that is a joke.

It doesn't work that way. Antibiotics are a good example. These drugs sometimes knock out bacteria one two three, and sometimes they don't. Sometimes the germs just continue on their merry way. Sometimes the antibiotics cause very bad adverse effects. Gross overuse of these drugs always causes nasty adverse effects, including severe immune suppression and death. And sometimes, although the drugs do knock out the bacteria, they leave the patient in a weakened state.

So the assumption that a magic bullet antidote to a magic bullet designer germ is reliable---that is pure fluff.

No, if you are creating a medical OP, you want to create a new disease LABEL which draws in, like a propaganda magnet, all sorts of diverse and UNRELATED illness conditions. Then you want to sell a drug treatment that will eat the liver and the kidneys. You want to obscure the fact that most of the UNRELATED illnesses were stemming from immune-system weakness, which in turn was brought on by factors like street drugs, medical drugs, vaccines, hunger, junk diets, starvation, protein-calorie malnutrition, contaminated water supplies, intestinal parasites, toxic pesticides, stress, war, grinding poverty, hopelessness, nutritional deficiencies, excess refined sugar, and so on.

By preying on those who are already ill, by renaming their illnesses, by failing to deal with what really caused them to become ill, by treating them with toxic drugs, you can kill them and scare a whole population back into their homes. You can impose travel bans and quarantines, you can pass new laws, you can forward the medical/police state. And if SARS is called a bio-terror attack, you can work that fear angle as well. You can invent and accuse perpetrators and bomb their cities.

If SARS is never called a bio-terror attack, maybe the next GBC or YDR or FGU or RSO or ZXY or ABC will be. In which case, SARS will have been a test run of sorts. "Let's see how they react. Let's see how much fear and how many travel bans we can make them swallow. Let's test out our global surveillance and security and suppression cops."




April 3. Hong Kong and Singapore are watching their economies slump. Hong Kong trading market sources say business is dropping off. Hotel business, travel business, tourist business.

Typical comment: "The health effect of SARS is only slightly worse than its effect on business. Haven't seen such trouble since the stock market meltdown of 1998..."

Well, it's working. People are staying home. Staying indoors.

2200 cases worldwide. 82 deaths. That's what they're saying. Wonder how many automobile-related deaths occurred yesterday.

Okay. Here is what they're NOT saying:

They have not established that SARS is one condition, as opposed to illness arising from various causes in various people.

The "virus" has not been established as the common root cause. In fact, they are guessing about several viruses. They don't have a virus. They have no reason to suspect a virus.

No profiles on those diagnosed with SARS are being released, and chances are none are being done. By profile I mean prior medical history. Why is that important? Because it would show why these people might be ill, at least some of them.

We assume that all these people were completely healthy before they contacted "SARS." That assumption is created by the fact that no medical histories have been offered, and none will be.

For example, a medical history on traveler A could show that he has had ten infections in the last year, that the drugs he was prescribed were immunosuppressive, and so on.

When you really zero in on medical histories you find out all sorts of interesting and important things. Traveler B was taking chemo recently for cancer, and his immune system is shot. Things like that.

Saying that SARS is one disease is like saying that 400 gunshot wounds inflicted in 20 countries over a six-week span were all inflicted by the same gunman. If you're going to say that, you better have some real evidence.

Further, no one has announced that there is a very careful analysis of AIRPLANE-CABIN AIR QUALITY underway. Any sensible person would start there. That air carries all sorts of stuff.

No one has done a comparative survey of traveler illness over a six-week period for, say, 1995. How many people, worldwide, ended up in hospitals? How many deaths were recorded? What were the symptoms? Such a comparative probe might prove very illuminating. It might turn out that, during that 1995 time period, 2000 people got sick and 70 died---OF VARIOUS CAUSES, none of which was a mystery virus.

In other words, this is like a crime-scene investigation. Are you going to do a very detailed job, or are you going to jump to unwarranted conclusions and scare everybody out of their shirts?

Claiming that there are obvious connections between these currently ill people---person C traveled on the same plane as person D---well, that is very thin proof. It sounds compelling on the surface, but it leaves out many possibilities.

As I wrote recently, passenger C may be suffering from a piece of slightly tainted fish he ate, while D is ill from eating produce that was heavily sprayed with a pesticide or covered with e coli.

And the symptoms of SARS---shortness of breath, cough, fatigue, respiratory complications---these are sufficiently vague to bring lots of people into the net. I've known travelers who developed shortness of breath just from BEING ON A PLANE.

Cases of pneumonia in Asia are now being linked to cases in America that have not developed pneumonia. Highly suspect.

The CDC could easily have framed SARS as flu. But they haven't. They are hot to trot on a new disease. New diseases are very good for research funding. Work on new diseases brings accolades and prizes and job promotions. It's every researcher's dream to discover or get in on the ground floor of a new disease.

A great deal of time is spent trying to assert that various cases of illness are connected, and almost no time is spent trying to assert that these cases are dissimilar. That's a prejudice from the get-go.

In a story I wrote about a week ago, I unearthed a completely ignored remark from a mainstream medical investigator, who said that a strong immune system was really the best and only protection against "SARS."

That should give you an idea about the cure side, the solution, not only to "SARS," but to most diseases. Of course, this is not stressed in the press reports. And yet, a realistic inquiry on those who are now being diagnosed with SARS should jump on that right away. In what shape were the immune systems of those people?

Looking in all the wrong places, coming up with all the wrong answers.

Since I've been writing about SARS, I have received correspondence from people suggesting a number of immune-system enhancers. I appreciate this. At the same time, I would point out that one magic bullet does not work for everyone. A combination of nutrients is often a better approach.

There is a human tendency to accept propaganda about the one evil thing coming from the one root cause. Therefore, when researchers and reporters inform people that one new disease with one cause has been found, that bandwagon gets full right away. It "feels right."

We have to work against that tendency. We have to think like a really good investigator would think. We have to step back and examine the conclusions that are being stated in an entirely premature way.

Years ago, a federal medical researcher, Harry Haverkos, told me that medical researchers can be divided into two types. He called them the GROUPERS and the SPLITTERS. The groupers jump at the chance to connect instances of illness under one label. The splitters go the other way and look for differences. Harry told me we needed a lot more splitters. He was absolutely right.

The fact that Hong Kong and Singapore are seeing their economies take a hit is judged as further proof that SARS is really a dangerous health threat. As if public hysteria were part and parcel of the evidence needed to confirm the existence of a new disease. How idiotic. But how effective.

If enough people run from a perceived danger, MORE people will assume that danger is real and specific and singular. The one evil cause of the one evil thing. It's workable mind control.

And of course, these days, the idea of making people stay at home and pull in their antennae and take all their information from television is perfect. It makes people even more vulnerable to official pronouncements. It makes people even less likely to question authorities. SARS may even be promoted soon to cut down on numbers of people at war demonstrations.

To accomplish this, you don't need a germ designed in a lab. You don't need people trying to combine three viruses into one. You don't need nerve gas in a subway---although that would work too. You just need to say that a whole lot of illness in a number of people is all the same thing. That does it. That works. That puts people in a trance, a trance of fear.

Every time I see a SARS come along, I go up on the roof and yell PROVE IT.

SARS, until I see something real, stands for: Saying Anything Regarding Sickness.


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